Rev. Jean Enock Berus, Associate Pastor​
Jean-Enock Bérus known as Enock was born on November 28, 1986 in
Cap-Haitian, Haiti. His mom’s name is Marilise Occeide and his dad
Joseph Romélus Bérus. He has 5 sisters and 3 brothers but one of them
passed away. Enock finished high school in 2008 but could not get to college
right away. A big earthquake took place in 2010 where his dad passed away.
Enock became a trained teacher for at least five years of algebra and English
at the Lutheran school in Port-au-Prince. He moved to the United States of
America for college in 2012. He graduated from graduate program at Concordia University in Irvine California from the Cross-Cultural Ministry Center in 2023. He is now serving as Associate Pastor at St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church, Grace Lutheran Church and Saint Phillip Lutheran Church. He got ordained on June 25th, 2023, under the umbrella of the Holy Spirit.