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Rev. Dr. S T Williams Jr., Senior Pastor


Anointed with a calling to preach God's word and love of Jesus from the time he was

in the second grade, Pastor ST Williams Jr. has since served the Lord wherever his

life's work lead him.

He has preached Christ crucified across 5 countries: in humble huts, the  U.S Pentagon

aboard US Naval Aircraft Carriers, inside mega-churches, beside the beds of the

in-firmed and across the dinner table of his congregants.


His journey, brought him to St Paul in 2005 where he has been instrumental in encouraging a church-wide spirit of joy and outreach to the UN-served, under-served and seekers of Los Angeles and beyond.


St. Paul Lutheran Church is located at:

3901 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018


Contact Numbers:

Cell:  (402) 525 - 3395

Tel:  (323) 731- 8384​


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